Tag Archive for: rising sign

The difference between your sun sign and your rising sign.

What is the difference between your sun sign and your ascendant/rising sign?

Your Sun sign is the DAY you were born. It represents your ego and how you think of yourself in your head.
Everyone wants to be seen as their sun sign but it’s not that simple. Only the people we are most comfortable with get to see this.

Your Rising/ Ascendant sign is the zodiac sign that was rising in the east the EXACT TIME that you were born.

Your Rising / Ascendant is very important because it shows the jumping off point of your life and how the Planets are going to act within those houses.

It is also the person that everyone meets first. This is the mask that you wear until you are comfortable .

This is why there are no two astrological signs that are the same. You can have a friend with the same astrological sign as you and they probably have a completely different life. Even though some personality traits may be similar your ascendant sign along with your planets give you your own unique fingerprint to this thing we call life

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